Hi there! 👋 My name is Chris and I am an Engineering Manager at Telness Tech. You can learn about myself and my full resume here and you can always get in touch.

Why I created this website is because I am a huge fan of learning in public and believe in transparency, openness and communication. I also strive to share what I have learned and give back to the community.

Here are some places where I like to write and share my ideas:

Tech digital garden

This is my digital garden for software engineering and the tech industry as a whole. I tend to write more guides and personal notes on what I have learned and what I would like to learn in the future. All feedback is welcome! Call me an idiot if you have to 😃


Here you will find my more casual writings and sharing of stories, learnings, and topics that interest me in a lot of different ways. I write on a wide range of topics including tech, personal development, daily reflections, music, and more!


One of my many passions is DJing and I have page dedicated to just that! Here you can find out more about what kind of gigs I do and my pricing in case you would like to book me (there is no pressure though hehe) 🎧